Sunday, July 31, 2005

We went to the beach this morning. Chris was concerned because it was extremely overcast. He's now at work, sporting a sunburn. I got a bit crispy on the backs of my legs but Phil seems unscathed.

The other night we headed to the beach to watch the sunset, but got there a few minutes too late. We did wander around the shore for a bit, kicking up seafoam with our toes and then wandered down to look at the sleeping pile of seals in the cove.

Other than these little trips, my week vacation with the cherubs was mainly spent in line at DMV. :/ While Chris passed the driving test, his car flunked its smog inspection and the repair place will not get in the parts needed till tomorrow. I offered to pay for this repair since paying for it himself will completely exhaust his bank account.

I don't have the cash to pay for it either, but at least I have a credit card. Additionally, Chris' dad knew before Chris left Washington that there was a problem with the car's electrical system, including the a/c fan, and decided Chris could have these fixed once he was down here (so that I could pay for it). Thoughtful man. We're not getting these things fixed just yet though, because I am pretty sure I can't afford it even with a credit card.

Anyone know any good, reliable car repair places here in San Diego that won't rip an innocent cherub and his mother off? :/

Friday, July 29, 2005

Why can't I meet John Cusack from an online ad? :/

Oh, and for anyone who's curious what resulted from the ad Matt wrote for me: 60 incoming emails. After having Sushi vet the dudes, I wrote back to one guy but a couple of emails later we were both like, "Eh." I showed the emails and photos to Chris yesterday; we both chuckled at "Mr. Angst" whose photo showed a very attractive young (we stress young) man curled up and looking wistful. Or maybe beaten up. Either way he was cute, but that couldn't have been a photo of the guy who wrote. Anyone who looks like that doesn't need to meet chicks online.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Chris starts work this afternoon. His old manager called down to their local operation and so all Chris had to do was show up. Of course, right now he has no idea what his schedule will be or how much he's making or whether they provide health insurance, but at least he's got his job!

I wish I had cross-ventilation :/ I've been running the a/c these past few days as the boys are totally not used to the heat. I hate it being so hot, but usually I've just put up with it. Can't have my cherubs suffer, though, but I know I'll be cringing when my next electricity bill comes in.

Thank goodness Chris has a job! :D