Sunday, January 30, 2005

The photos from the Wild Animal Park. Many wild animals, captured on film! You have to have a free account to view them, but there you go. We'll try any web photo service at least once. ;)
Kevin and Candice invited me to meet them and some of their other friends at an Irish pub. Sims2 or pub? Sims2 or pub? I decided to go to the pub because I don't get out much.

I don't know if it's the norm for this type of place or what. There were times when it reminded me of my mom taking me and my sister to Shakey's Pizza, where some nights they played tunes on a piano and projected the words onto the wall so that all the patrons could sing along. Only this time, the words weren't anywhere, yet everyone seemed to know them and if you didn't, it was amusing to watch. It was a very entertaining experience (I said exactly that to someone who asked me how I was liking it and he said, "Is that a veiled way of saying you don't like it?" and Kevin interjected, "No; she that's just how she talks." Which is true :/ ).

And, worth noting, it's the first bar I've ever been in where there was a line to the men's room, but not to the women's. :)

I had a great time, I'm still deaf in one ear and my throat hurts from yelling...I have no idea what, but there you go, I was participating as best I could. It was very participatory. The penalty for non-participants was to have to chug down whatever their drink was, which is a dynamic I don't like, but realize that's what bars are for and obviously, the more the singer had folks chugging down their Guiness, the more they'd have to it's expected. The analytical part of my brain, though, kept thinking of it as a study in peer pressure and gang mentality, where the chugger might not want to chug, but feels that s/he as to because it's expected and s/he wants to fit in.

Maybe I'm just too new to the whole Irish pub thing :)

Saturday, January 22, 2005

I attended the premiere of Episode 3 with Ewan MacGregor, who went down a staircase carrying a box and turned into Harrison Ford. Which, depending on the point of view, could be disappointing...but then, not many of us are lucky enough to have our men morph into Harrison Ford, are we? :)

We sat in the very front row and my eyes were glued to the screen (which must have made me a disappointing date in high school too as that's been my attitude about movie dates...I go to watch the movie) but though snuggly, Harrison kept talking to folks around us and at one point observed a flaw in how a scene was shot with George Lucas, who sat at the end of our row. Finally I turned around and kissed Harrison very distractingly and he said, "Wow! What was that for?" Glancing around us at the folks trying to watch the film, I said, "Think of it as a community service."

Weird, huh?

On the other hand, unless Episode 3 turns out way way better than 1 and 2, everyone might have appreciated Harrison telling George exactly what was wrong with the movie :)

Saturday, January 15, 2005

I am nesting this three day weekend. Up since 8 and Northern Exposure is on the Tivo. Later on I will have to wander out and find some DVD+RW. Or is it minus? Whichever one, to see whether I can get the DVD recorder to recognize and format the disc. Fingers are crossed! Meanwhile, I have pillows plumped up behind me, featherbed beneath me, down comforter across my knees and a cat cuddling up and purring. When life deals uncomfortable knocks, there is nothing more comforting than a purring cat.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

My feet still hurt. I don't remember the last time I ever stood for so long as I did while at CES. A pretty interesting experience. I met some of our games' fans, including Curt Schilling...although I admit to not knowing at the time exactly who he was, though his name rang a bell :)

I only risk $40 for any gambling session, which makes me edgy as I lose it nickel by nickel. I don't think I'll forget the look on the face of the craps table dealer (or whatever they're called) when I announced to Matt that I had to go back to my hotel after accumulating a loss of $8 in nickel slots. Heh!

The next night, though, as we waited to get seats at a restaurant in the Bellagio, Erik and I decided to go wild and blow $5 on nickel slots...and I won about $50. :) Which, of course, I converted into shoes the next day.

Broos watched Mo for me during my absence. He offered to look in on Mittens as well, but since I'd bought a big ass feeder and waterer, I figured my cat could fend for himself. And so he did, in fine health upon my return, full of chatter about his week. He talked non-stop for an hour (Mittens, not Broos) and is following me around the apartment.

It's late at night and I'm tired. Fannie, our superb manager of stuff and things, had arranged a ride for our crew to and from the airport. We were picked up by a 10-person limo. Wheee!

And my sinuses are filling. :( I've had some sinus un-stuffing medicine but it seems to be wearing off. Ah, well. At least I have my shoes.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

The place is so quiet without the cherubs and Rob. I managed to put the XPS on my desk finally, after taking apart the old Dimension 8100 to ship to Chris. In a neat little row, I have two boxes to send to Rob and two to send to the boys. Hopefully I'll be able to send them all off before I head to CES this week.

Of course, now that all the men are gone, I spent the day cleaning and wishing I'd stuck to my guns and had them help me rearrange my bedroom furnishings. :/ I am finding myself not terribly fond of the placement of this desk, either. I wonder whether I can get this mosey'd into the bedroom and move the bookcase from the window into this space by myself? Probably not; I will continue to mull over the options. Right now, I am disliking that my back is to the entire room; it feels so unsafe. I keep glancing over my shoulder, as though someone will be sneaking up on me, even though there is no one else here but Mittens.

I watched The Making of Iron Chef America, though I probably won't watch the actual series. Bobby Flay works my nerves, though I'm not sure why. Maybe he just seems too smug? In any case, if he's on the program, I will find something else to watch. Tivo caught an episode of Inspector Morse for me, which I'll watch during daylight hours in a couple of weeks. I love that show, but it is not for me to watch alone at night! Always the murder, there is! And I have not the strength of mind to deal with it. I am also catching up on House. If y'all have not yet seen it, please Tivo it and take a look. It's pretty darn good :)